Neal, Leonard, and Sorensen Implant, Facial, and Oral Surgery

We’re Up and Running!

Just sayin’ hi and welcome to our Neal OMS daily blog.  My name is Corinne, and I am a treatment coordinator for the Kirkland practice.  I consider it my personal mission to assist, appoint, enlighten and entertain our clientele!

Hmmm, how to achieve that….well, recent OMS news includes:

  • A shiny, new, space-age coffee machine in the reception area for our guests!  It brews a great cuppa joe in about 30 seconds that would make Jane Jetson green with envy.
  • The lovely Gena, our Northgate Surgical Lead, is returning to work on May 5th after maternity leave for the February birth of her adorable son Sigmond! Baby Sig joins big brother Kylan, age 2.
  • We welcomed two great new staff members in recent weeks:  surgical assistant Vanessa and treatment coordinator Erin.  We are thrilled to have these ladies on our amazing Northgate team.

So, thanks for stopping by our blog.  Check in frequently for updates and anecdotes from the Neal Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery gang.

🙂 Corinne

PS: If this did not entertain or enlighten, please don’t tell me !:P

New website!

We recently had our website rebuilt, check it out!  It’s full of new staff photos, pictures of the offices, patient tutorials, lots of links, information, and cool stuff for referring doctors.

Hello world!

Welcome to Neal OMS’s Blog!  We’re excited to begin sharing the daily happenings of our offices with you.